Zozola Sil Zola

Descended from Monetarists and a secret royal bloodline of a dynasty long thought dead, Zozola Zola is a force to be reckoned with - but this has little to do with her unique heritage. A Songstress Performer and an accomplished Time Mage, Zozola Zola will make her mark on this star...

About Zozola

Name: Zozola Sil Zola
Age: 25 summers
DOB: 31st Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Height: 2'10"
Race: Dunesfolk Lalafell
Gender: Cis woman (she/her)
Orientation: Bisexual / Homoromantic
Relationship: Married to Lily Nibelung
Occupation: Performer, Mage

AppearanceDespite her diminutive size, Zozola is hard to miss. It's clear that she values and takes great care in her appearance. She has soft dark skin, which darkens slightly at her nose at the tips of her long, pointy ears. Her makeup, though lightly applied, is always perfect. She has a rather chubby frame, but she moves like a dancer. In fact...she seems to almost float about.Her long wavy hair is a pale mint blue-green in color, with pink highlights on the tips. She usually wears her hair in braids and ponytails - the bigger the better. Her striking lilac dunesfolk eyes are often full of mischief.She is often seen draped in pastel colors or jewel tones that compliment her hair color. Her fashion style might be defined by more casual folks as ... extra.Though her vocal range is impressive, this lalafell typically speaks with a lilting, bell-like tone.

Mint Leaves, Sheet Music, Stringed Instruments, Grapes (The Fruit of Knowledge), Constellations, Keys, Hourglasses
Mint, Lavender, Coconut, Sandalwood, the Desert Breeze

Personality+ Idealist, Creative, Playful, Passionate
- Stubborn, Salty, Judgmental, Vain, Troublemaker
Despite her outlandish appearance and love of attention as a performer, Zozola is often quite shy around new people, although friendly and polite to a fault.As a leader, she is often quite exasperated with the shenanigans of her company's membership. So much so that her own tendency to create chaos is often underutilized...but when she has the chance to sow seeds of chaos, Zozola revels in it.More than just about anything, Zozola is a believer in autonomy - in taking charge of her own fate and empowering others to do the same.She enjoys the simple things in life. Good food, good drink, and good company...who could want for more?Zozola can often be found...

  • In Lavender Beds, home of the Mysterium

  • Your Local Bar or Club

  • The streets of the Allied City-States

  • On an adventure with her friends!

Plot Hooks

Arrested for Matricide
In a rather high profile case in Ul'dah, Zozola was once arrested and accused of the murder of her mother, Nanasa Nasa. She was since proven to be innocent, but nonetheless, her presence often turns heads in Thanalan.
Prodigal Cousin
Zozola's father, Zuzurito Lalarito, is the first cousin of Lord Lolorito Nanarito. It is tradition for all members of the family to help the Family Business of the East Aldenard Trading Company - and Zozola's rebellious deviation from familial expectations is a thorn in Lolorito's side. Why, it even seems that she is influencing her father - who is making moves to start his own business free from East Aldenard's influence! This is unheard of!
Legatum Mysteria
Translated as the Legacy of Secrets, this Free Company based in Lavender Beds is the creation of Zozola and her comrades. An organization dedicated to pursuing the secrets of this star, this organization has already caught the attention of a number of powerful people...for good or for ill.

Sil'dihn Royalty
NOTE: This is a well-guarded secret! Please ask first!
Zozola's late mother, Nanasa Nasa, was secretly a descendant of the Sil'dihn Royal Family. No records remain of this fact - nor do any records remain of Nanasa's relation to the late Sultana Nanasha Ul Nasha. Only a few select Sultansworn - as well as a group of descendants of Sil'dihn survivors called the Knights of the Lost - know of these details.
Life Swap
Zozola temporarily swapped places with a version of herself from another timeline. A version of herself that likes to party a little too hard. Did you perhaps see this version of Zozola passed out drunk at a party somewhere? Did she perhaps mistake you for someone from her timeline?

Aiding and Abetting
A number of powerful individuals in Ul'dah are befuddled by the magicks of a masked woman involved in the escape of the fugitive Mynne 'Rosie' Rosalia on the day she was set to be executed. Magicks which left combatants frozen in time.

Lover of the Stage
One of Zozola's passions is a love for performing! You likely have seen her grace the stage of your local watering hole, where she sings, dances, and weaves magicks on stage! Or perhaps you saw her singing at high class events in her youth?
A Not-So-Arranged Marriage
Those familiar with the East Aldenard Trading Company might recall the awkward moment a few years ago when Lord Lolorito attempted an arranged marriage between a young woman in his family and the skeevy Hyur Hancock Fitzgerald of the Ruby Bazaar. It did not pan out.
Primal Slayer
"Eater of the Four and a half ponze Primal Slayer Burger - Zozola Zola" - says the plaque on the Calamity's End Bar and Grill Wall of Fame. It sounds like this small lady can EAT. Perhaps you've seen her face on the wall of this venue?
Over the past few turns, Zozola has become a powerful Time Mage, though she is still studying the weave of time and fate quite seriously. While she actively avoids manipulating fate due to the massive responsibility that comes with it, there are little ways that she manipulates time without thinking, such as floating instead of walking when it's more convenient, or reversing gravity to prevent something from dropping to the floor. Have you noticed this anomaly?
Drawn to the Flower
It is no secret that Zozola has been in a relationship with the beautiful and charming Lily Nibelung for a number of years now. It is a relationship that has been as open as it is loving...but still quite serious, culminating in a beautiful wedding! The brides are very, very happy together.


Venues Zozola has Performed At

Zozola is a Performer in-game, utilizing Macros to sync song and dance with music played on a third party site such as Cytube.Zozola performs in a variety of musical styles, from Pop, to Rock, to Musical Theatre! She tends to perform songs that she loves of every genre!If you'd like to have Zozola perform at YOUR event, feel free to send a tell in-game!

Upcoming Performances!
Friday, January 3 2025 -
The Still & Strings

OOC Notes

I will roleplay with veteran and novice RPers alike, assuming I'm not AFK or busy with something else! However, I have a few notes to consider:

  • I am not my characters, and they are not self-inserts for me. While I am happy to make friends with people OOC and IC alike, it's very important to me that fellow RPers recognize that I have a hard line between my characters and my IRL life, especially when it comes to relationships.

  • I am open to all kinds of storytelling, including mature or dark themes. However, please clear anything especially dramatic with me OOC beforehand.

  • I stay relatively lore compliant but I do believe in the "Rule of Cool" and bending the lore (not breaking it) to make a more exciting, engaging story. I like to take vague obscure lore bits and expound on them to make something unique.

  • Because my characters and stories tend to lean toward the mature side, please only engage me in RP if you're over the age of 18 IRL.

  • Do not interact if you're only interested in ERP. I'm not against ERP, but it is not a focus for me. I do not enjoy it unless it is the culmination of a story beat, with players that I trust.

  • I really enjoy exploring peoples' character histories and building their stories! If any of my characters' hooks sound like something you could build off of, I'd love to have an OOC conversation about that! Perhaps we could even plan a story arc together. ♥